اینو میگذارم اینجا برای وقتهایی که از" پی اچ دی" و تز و دنبال سوپروایزر دویدن برای گرفتن چند تا کامنت و مهمتر ازهمه انتخاب " لگال توری" و اعمالش روی تزم خسته شدم و به سرم میزنه که اصلا چه فایده ؟ فرض کن که صبح تا شب نظریه حقوقی بخونی و فرضیه نقد کنی و سوپروایزرتم، تند تند بهت " فید بک" بده و سر موقع هم تموش کنی و خانوم دکتر شی و .. ، حالا چند نفر میان این حاصل چند سال کارت را بخوانند ؟ مگه اکثر تزهایی که نوشته شده اند ، سرنوشتی بهتر از خاک خوردن توی قفسه کتاب خونه نصیبشان شد ؟ برو یک کاری بکن که هم هم جذاب تر باشه، هم خودت بیشتر دوست داشته باشی و هم حاصل کارت را لمس کنی و هم مفیدتر باشه برای جامعه و خلاصه وقتایی که میخوام به زمین و زمان و انتخاب سه سال پیش و شاید سال بعد .. شک کنم.
Why Study Legal Theory?
The discussion of legal theory which you have just read, and any number of similar discussions which you may read elsewhere, will leave many students saying ' so what? ‘How will all this help me when I’m a lawyer? You may even pray in aid Cotterrell’s Comments that ‘no-one could suggest that legal theory has at any time been necessary to help the lawyer earn a living in everyday practice.’ (The Politics of Jurisprudence e, 1989, p 233). But the key word here is necessary, for there can be equally little doubt that cases do arise where practitioners with knowledge of legal theory are better equipped than those who lack it. Indeed, it may even be argued that without a knowledge of legal theory there is a sense in which you cannot credibly claim to be a lawyer, as distinct from someone who knows some laws, while legal science is capable of being intelligently learnt, legal factors are capable only of being committed to memory…
Making the point more explicitly in relation to professional practice, the value of a knowledge of legal theory lies in the fact that it provides a principles overview of law as a whole, which enables practitioners to relate a large number of individualized statements of legal doctrine to and evaluate them in the light of each other. Practitioners with a knowledge if legal theory will be able to construct arguments and counter opposing arguments, with more confidence and with a greater likelihood of success, than would otherwise be the case…
Legal Theory
Ian Mcleod
خوب البته حرف حق جواب نداره، ولی از قدیم گفتند هر چیزی اندازه ای داره، " لگال توری" هم یک ترم، نه حالا دو ترم ، نه دیگه چند سال ...
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